I am a postdoctoral fellow at CTU (Prague), in the optimization group, working with Jakub Mareček on the optimization of tame functions.
Prior to this position, I did my PhD at the Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann (Grenoble), in the DAO team under the supervision of Franck Iutzeler and Jérôme Malick. I focused on structured nonsmooth problems, which include learning problems and more general nonsmooth problems. I developed structure identification procedures and fast (Newton-type) methods for such nonsmooth nonconvex problems. More in my PhD thesis!
Here is a resume and a list of publications.
Interests: Machine learning; Nonsmooth nonconvex optimization; Second-order methods; Riemannian optimization.
June 2023: I am presenting a poster on Hybrid Methods for global optimization of large-scale polynomials at the FOCM conference in Paris. poster
December 2022: Newton methods for structured nonsmooth optimization, Inria Mind seminar, Saclay (online).
December 2022: I defended my PhD on December 2nd, 2022. I was very happy to have in the jury: Jalal Fadili and Claudia Sagastizábal as rapporters, Jean-Charles Gilbert and Mathurin Massias as examiners, and Nadia Brauner as president. Claude Lemaréchal also attended! Manuscript & Slides
November 2022: Newton methods for structured nonsmooth optimization, Rutgers Optim & ML seminar (online).
October 2022: Newton methods for structured nonsmooth optimization, Inria MLSP seminar, Lyon.
October 2022: Newton methods for nonsmooth composite optimization, Journées MOA, Nice, Slides.
June 2022: Conjuguer Newton et gradient proximal pour l’optimisation non lisse, CANUM, Evian, Abstract & Slides.
June 2022: Newton methods for nonsmooth composite optimization, Journées MODE, Limoges. Received the "prix Dodu" awarding the three best talks among young researchers. Abstract & Slides
December 2020: Harnessing Structure in Optimization for Large-scale Learning, LJK PhD day, Grenoble.
September 2020: On the Interplay between Acceleration and Identification for the Proximal Gradient algorithm, Journées MODE (virtual). Abstract & Slides.
February 2020 : Randomized Progressive Hedging methods for Multi-stage Stochastic Programming, ROADEF, Montpellier, Abstract & Slides.
E-mail: firstname . lastname |a|_ fel.cvut.cz